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Food Services Home; Menus; Free and Reduced Lunch Applications (English and En Espanol) Students with Allergies. Aug 2019 - Present3 years 11 months. On the order date, the vendor will provide sample jackets for the student athletes. The 2018-2019 Annual Report was completed in video format by each school. Ext. Head FR/8th Grade Coach : Mr. Head Varsity Girls Coach: Mr. Michael Beachy Email: [email protected]. Attached are instructions for applying for the three clearances that are required of all Bermudian Springs School District employees. Melissa Wagner. Remember me? Login. Any athletic physical dated June 1, 2023 through January 22, 2024 will also need a Parent/Guardian Recertification Form (Section 7) to update the student athlete's health history. Here is a link to the Sapphire Community Web Portal. Car riders are dismissed at 2:30 pm. FAQ's - Bermudian Springs Website. Supervisor of Custodians. Jennifer Shelley is the Principal of Bermudian Springs Middle School. Users. Password. Kari Cover email: [email protected]. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Last Name filter. Site contents Copyright © 2012-2023 K12 Systems, Inc. Buildings and Grounds. Special education services that will be needed when a child begins kindergarten will be identified, and agreed upon so that a smooth transition process between pre. Sports Schedules. Matthew Jenkins. Morning announcements are made the week prior to the order date. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981 Bermudian Springs Live Streams LINKS Northeastern Live Stream LINK Red Lion Live Streams LINK York Tech Live Streams LINK Spring Grove Live Streams LINK Fairfield Live Streams LINK Gettysburg Live Streams LINK Susquehannock Live Streams LINK Dover Live Streams LINK West York Live Streams LINKS Kennard-Dale Live Streams LINK Native Americans called the spring "Spring of the Summer Sky," because of its stunning, clear blue water. Exceptions: The December 4, 2023 caucus meeting will begin at 5:30 p. Head Varsity Coach: Mr. If you have any questions throughout the overhaul, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]. Honor Roll: Jacob Alvarez-Reyes, Ava Estella Baker, Olivia Di Baker, Evan Michael Botterbusch, Victor Manuel Cernas-Martinez, Carlos Adrian Cervantes, Micah Terry Danner, Ravyn Wynter Ensor, Jesus Angel Felipe-Sanchez, Brodie Mathew. Please click here to access the complete volunteer packet. Katrina Minck. Go to Bermudian Springs School Website: On the Bermudian Springs School website. Bermudian Springs School District; Free and Reduced Lunch Applications (English and En Espanol)Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations;. Sapphire Parent Letter - Spanish. Jorge Cardenas. Bermudian Springs School District; 2016-2019 Special Education Plan ; Special. Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations;. com. org . Bermudian Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. Head Varsity Coach: Mrs. GIRLS BASKETBALL. Virtual Meeting Info. The depth and fresh flow of water are what keeps the waters so. Username. Jon DeFoe: [email protected] Teachers. Bermudian Springs School District Enter your user name and password to sign in. Click on the Parents tab 3. Jim Greene. Schoolcafe. Regular School Board meetings begin at 7:00 p. Page Navigation. South Middleton School District. Food Service Wellness Guidelines. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Before entering York College, I spent 14 years as a computer and math aide here at Bermudian Springs Middle School. For more detailed refer to these instructions: Account Creation Guide - English. 2223 CALENDAR FINAL. Head FR & 7/8th Grade Coach : Mr. Responsibility of ParentsPosition Name Email Phone; Athletic Director: Mr. Our Schools. Todd Black. Assistant Varsity Coaches : Mr. Site Construction as per Scope. Home. Remember me? Login. Search Submit Search. The modules in the Sapphire Suite bring together information from school administrators, teachers, nurses, and office staff, allowing them and parents real-time access to student progress and school information anytime and. To verify that your child is included on our Kindergarten mailing list, or if you are having issues registering online, please contact the elementary school office at 717-624-4231 or 717-528-4113, extension 4732. JV and Varsity Boys Basketball is offerred to boys. The Portal is made available to all parents and school district employees and. Multi-purpose Field Costs. Menu Nutrition Analysis. To verify that your child is included on our Kindergarten mailing list, or if you are having issues registering online, please contact the elementary school office at 717-624-4231 or 717-528-4113, extension 4732. Mrs. Search Submit Search. Forgot your password? Apply for a Sapphire Community Portal account. Jeff Carpenter. Home. Bermudian Springs School District; 2020-2023 Special Education Plan ; Special. Head FR/8th Grade Soccer Coach: Mr. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Sports Physicals. York Springs, PA 17372-8807. Welcome to the Sapphire Community Portal. JV and Varsity Volleyball is offered in the fall to girls. CANVAS PARENT RESOURCES. ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM. Bermudian Springs Middle School; WelcomePage Navigation. Responsibility of ParentsThe Community Portal allows parents to view any information deemed acceptable according to the school district's policies. Username Password Login with GoogleBermudian Springs School District. If you are interested in being a substitute teacher for us, please contact STS at 1-800-884-SUBS (7827). Bermudian Springs Middle School; HomeBermudian Springs School District. Get In Touch 7335 Carlisle Pike , York Springs, PA 17372Position Name Email Phone; Athletic Director: Mr. Good Afternoon Bermudian Springs Families: Once again we would like to thank you for your continued support throughout. Athletics Home. Bermudian Springs School District Preparing for the Future, Today. org. org. Current School Year: 2022. A pre-referral process or screening procedure is used to help identify students with mental giftedness as defined by Chapter #16 of the Pennsylvania State Standards. Bermudian Springs School District. You may also contact us by email at [email protected]. Bermudian Springs School District Preparing for the Future, Today. org (717) 528-4113 Ext. Mr. 1 miles to Bermudian Springs School District. , Director of Special Education, Bermudian Springs School District, (717) 528-4113 or 624-4231. m. Bermudian Springs School District; Coaches InfoTechnology / Canvas Information. Director of Food Service. Hired in 1999, at Bermudian Springs, I currently teach ELA and Social Studies. You must enter that code here to verify your email address. Angela Pasquini. Assistant Varsity Coach: Mr. Head FR/8th Grade Coach : Mrs. Jeff Carpenter email: [email protected]. 2750: Administrative Assistant: Deb Sheets-Blasone: [email protected]: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Page Navigation. Wednesdays- 9:00am-10:30pm. FAQ's - Bermudian Springs Website; AEDY Procedure; Sapphire Community Web Portal; School Safety Resources; Academics; PSSA/Keystone: Important Parent Information ; Homeless Children; Student Accident Insurance;. Bermudian Springs School District is providing the links for the convenience of the users of the Bermudian Springs School District website. pdf, 176. Email: [email protected]. Jessica Decker. Bermudian Springs School District Sapphire Community Web PortalInstructions Go to Bermudian Springs School Website: selectSapphirePortal, located on the home page. 2737 or [email protected] Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. Forgot your password? Apply for a Sapphire Community Portal account. David McCollum email: [email protected]. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231. Remember me? Login. Enter your date of birth and click Submit. orgPhone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Bermudian Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. If you are interested in being a substitute teacher for us, please contact STS at 1-800-884-SUBS. Beautiful and easy to use newsletters. Varsity Boys Tennis is offered to boys in grades 9-12. org . Mr. Bermudian Springs COVID Update - January 11, 2021. Northampton Area School District. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Bermudian Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. Toggle Search Input. We have created an electronic form on our website in order to continue the. Middle. com. Prior to BSSD, Brian was the Director of Special Education at New Story Schools and Director of Student Services and Special Education at La Academia Charter School. Brian Oswald. Page Navigation. Athletic Physicals. Bermudian Springs Elementary Schedule List > Schedule List No schedules are currently available. Head Varsity Coach: Mr. Dr. . David Orwig is the athletic director at Bermudian Springs School District in York Springs, Pennsylvania. Any athletic physical dated June 1, 2023 through January 22, 2024 will also need a Parent/Guardian Recertification Form (Section 7) to update the student athlete's health history. If this is your first time accessing the online registration system, you will need to create an account. Head Varsity Coach : Mr. Sports Physicals will now be held in the Middle School Gym. SEARCHING FOR ALL BERMUDIAN SPRINGS ALUMNI. Varsity Wrestling is offered to boys in grades. If you need assistance, please contact 717-528-4113 Ext. ARP ESSER; Community & Alumni; Translate. Bermudian Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. JV and Varsity. Sport Physical Information. 1/29/2021. Email:Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981I coached basketball and softball while at Williams Valley. Bermudian Springs School District Preparing for the Future, Today. After you create your account, an email is sent which contains your validation code. org. $63,360. She received her Master's in Education from National University, and Principal’s Certification from Penn State University. Head Varsity Coach: Mr. Design and Permitting. Search Submit Search. FR/8th Grade Track and Field is offered to both boys and girls. org. org. Dave McCollum. The 2010 Department of Commerce census totals over 13,100. Specifically, the following will take place: Students in Grade K-2 and Grades 5-6 will return for face-to-face instruction Monday through.